
Directlyrics and Fanity project updates

Let me give you an update on what significant milestones I've reached in the past six months.
First of all Directlyrics has seen double digit growth every month with in August over 23 million page views. Doubling my previous record from 2007 of an ex-site. Thanks go out to Eminem, Katy Perry and Rihanna with their enormous single successes.
I've also released a complete re-design of the website together with a daily updated music blog which already attracts 30.000 page views per day thanks to Kevin and his work.
With the maturity of site, I’ve also negotiated lyrics publishing rights from the major publishing companies through a deal with Gracenote. Where previously the songwriters did not retrieve any compensation for their work, I’m currently rolling out the official lyrics to the site which guarantee the correct lyrics and compensate the artists for their work.
Next to the publishing rights, I've partnered with BUZZMEDIA for exclusive brand ad sales representation on Directlyrics. This should attract premium advertisers to the site, hence increase user experience and revenue to keep the site running. Sears currently has a campaign running.

And last but not least, I've been developing Fanity for the past few months together with Raoul. A lot of backend work has been done, tons of data is coming in and algorithms are trained to handle it all. We’ve just launched a simple invitation interface to allow alpha users of the site to login and try the site out, while others (you!) can get an invitation for the upcoming launch. Expect something big!

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